offers from SLS LUX BRICKELL
Say farewell to the ordinary with one of our exclusive offers.
Our Most Extravagant Offer
For a limited time, unlock 35% off at SLS LUX BrickellBook by December 4, 2024. -
Stay & Play
Enjoy 20% off room rates, daily breakfast, poolside cabana, treats for the little ones and more. -
VIP Locals Getaway
Residents of Florida and neighboring states receive exclusive room and parking rates, a $50 dining credit, and more. -
SLS Moments Package
Receive 20% off room rates, daily breakfast, complimentary drinks and 10% off food and beverage. -
Say Farewell To The Ordinary With Dis-Loyalty
Receive 20% off your first stay, 10% off return stays, free coffees & more across the Dis-loyalty collective. -
Suite Escape
Stay in a spacious suite during an extended vacation or a family getaway.Daily F&B Credit, Late Check-Out
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